We consider it important to be culturally open.
The video game industry is universal and not limited to one geographic area ; there are quality schools and game studios all over the world.
Therefore, we publish new rankings for different geographical regions and in different languages to illustrate the diversity of this industry.
Criteria and methods
GAMEducation examines the career profiles of recent alumni working in seven main domains:
Game Design, Game Art, Technical Art, Game Engineering, Game Developing/Programming, Audio Design and Game Production,
and in their resulting specialties:
Game Design: Technical Design, Level Design, System Design, Economic…
Game Art: Character Design, Environment Design, 3D Animation, VFX Artist, Lighting…
Tech Art: Rigging Character, Scripting Shader, Tool Art Development…
Game Engineering: Engine Programming, Game Developing and Programming, IA...
Game Production: Product Owner, Producer...
》discover the video game industry 《
(coming soon)
We carefully check the game degrees schools and institutions offer
Offering a three- or four-year bachelor's degree program in video games (depending on the country) to prospective students teaches them the hardskill and softskill fundamentals professions require. This takes many resources, involves a more comprehensive curriculum and adds value to students’ resumes. The bachelor's degree is thus considered the primary degree for these professions. In most cases, master’s degrees deepen a specific subject or prepare students for research.
Preparation in line with studio requirements
A skilled workforce is essential in the games industry as more candidates are hired on increasingly expensive productions. The number and complexity of skills required to perform video game functions are constantly increasing and require sufficient training.
As a result, we only include in our rankings institutions that award bachelor's and master's level degrees of at least a two-year duration.
Video game student projects
We examine and analyze student games selected and awarded in main international competitions and, more generally, the production process of these games within the schools. The overall quality of these games correlates to the quality of teaching.
GAMEducation certification
These rankings may change during the same year depending on GAMEducation’s evaluations and certifications.
Our certification procedures, which involve much more than merely academics, review and evaluate game schools.
Schools are encouraged to apply for our official certification. If this option is chosen, GAMEducation responds by performing an audit. The results of this either secure the school’s present rank or allow the school to move up to a better position. These requests do not result in a loss of rank.